The First Step to Creating a Great Business
When I first got the idea of setting up my company, the initial challenge was thinking up a business name for my new venture. I spent many an hour, sat in my swamp, racking my brain trying to come up with a name, that was short, catchy and something I could build a brand with. It took a long time. There were many iterations before I finally settled on Hipposerve. First there was Mimas Web Services, then 4net, swiftly followed by Hipponet. There were of course many more weird and wonderful attempts at grabbing a great name and the associated domain name.
I was lucky. It was my daughter who came up with the name and indeed the logo. As she was my daughter, the decision was made for me. I couldn’t really say “no”, could I?
What Makes a Great Business Name
This is a tricky question, but in the modern world, you need a name that is not only memorable, but also available as a domain name. Before you even consider using a Business Name Generator, you should think about what makes a name great. It should also be short and easy to type into a web browser and using the tiny keyboard on a mobile phone. With my big Hippo feet, there is nothing worse than having to type in a long and unwieldy web address into my smartphone!
Your business name doesn’t even have to explain what your business does. Have a short and snappy name, that has a bit of a quirky value, and build a brand around it that does the explaining for you.
Just think of some big business out there. Facebook (or Meta), eBay, Amazon, Apple, or Google. None of these tell you what the company does, but the brand does the talking. Would eBay have been as successful if it was called “Online Auction Site”, or Google, if it were called “Search for Stuff Online”; probably not.
How to Find a Name That’s Unforgettable
As I mentioned before, the best names go beyond what your business does and where it is located. It gets to the core of your values and what you stand for. It needs to call out to the people you want to reach. So you need to think:
1) What are your core values, can you get this across in your name?
2) What is your USP, how are you different from the other businesses out there?
3) How should others see you. How would your ideal customer describe you?
This goes further than just the name, it’s your logo, colour scheme, your whole brand.
Once you have these ideas in mind, when you use the Hippo Business Name Generator, you will find it much easier to choose that perfect name.
Still Can’t Decide on a Cool Business Name?
If after using our Business Name Generator, you still can’t select a name, don’t worry. This is a great position to be in.
You should however create a shortlist of your 10 favourite. Now you need to do a bit of market research. Nothing too heavy, this is where your friends and family come in.
Pass your shortlist to a range of different people and ask them which name they like the best. Hopefully this will help you narrow down the selection. Once you have settled on one, or a few ideas, then you can start looking to see if the domain name is available.
And remember, if you don’t get your company name right first time, it’s happened to the very best out there. Always remember that the original name for Google, was BackRub!
Get Generating
Now you have really thought about your domain name, it is time to generate a few ideas. Just enter a keyword below to start!
Already got a great name?
Perhaps you already have a great name, and you are just looking for matching domain names to go with it. Well, you have come to the right place. You can get some great domain names from Hipposerve from just 99p for the first year, by visiting our domain name page here. You can buy more than one too, having a .com and a can help you corner the market and prevent a competitor from buying up your business name and forwarding the traffic to their own web site.
Happy Generating and Good Luck with Your New Business!